TenaZ offers all you need: Food Control, Metabolic Repair, Fat Attack & Booster. Order your TenaZ now.
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15kg or more to lose
Big Fat Deposits: Extra weight all over your body. Loose skin. Flabby arms and a double chin. You might lack nutrients, can’t absorb vitamins, and synthesize proteins.
Cravings: Carbs such as bread, pasta, sweets, and refined sugar.
Symptoms of a depleted Thyroid: Always tired. Cold intolerance. Cold hands & feet. Poor short-term memory. Struggle to focus. Depression. Brittle nails and vertical ridges. Dry skin. Dry hair. Hair loss - outer eyebrows thinning. Puffiness around the eyes. High cholesterol.
Cure the Cause: Use our All Over Fat Attack on its own or order one of the All Over Home Slimming Packs, depending on your budget and personal needs.
Dosage: 60 Capsules per container (1 month supply)
Take one capsule in the morning after your protein, half an hour before brunch and one capsule in the evening half an hour before bedtime - with a glass of water.
Thank you TenaZ! My life has changed!
Thank You TenaZ, I maintained my Healthy weight for 12 years! If I can lose 120kg you can lose all your overweight!
Ek het net een nier en het 73kg verloor
"I Was Morbidly Obese" High Blood pressure, Diabetes, feeling tired every day! I never want to be FAT again! I will always LOVE TenaZ!