TenaZ offers all you need: Food Control, Metabolic Repair, Fat Attack & Booster. Order your TenaZ now.
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The Starter Pack gives you the basic program. Take back control of your Food Intake and Attack your Big Fat Deposits!
An E-book will be sent to you in an email to download or in WhatsApp.
We teach you the fundamentals about Weight Loss and Healthy Eating Habits. Learn more about Nutrition – Food Groups & Combinations. No more diet food - enjoy Family Meals with easy Portion, Time, and Food Control.
a. Food Control: Take Control of your unhealthy eating habits.
Simply replace any two meals per day. Mix Meal Shake Powder with milk, yogurt, or water. It tastes delicious. You can add flavor to your Shake with fresh fruit or Coffee powder or any diet cold drink you like.
b. Fat Attack: Attack your big fat deposits. Choose the Fat Attack that describes your Big Fat Deposits the best:
How to use your Supplements:
Thank you TenaZ! My life has changed!
Thank You TenaZ, I maintained my Healthy weight for 12 years! If I can lose 120kg you can lose all your overweight!
Ek het net een nier en het 73kg verloor
"I Was Morbidly Obese" High Blood pressure, Diabetes, feeling tired every day! I never want to be FAT again! I will always LOVE TenaZ!