TenaZ offers all you need: Food Control, Metabolic Repair, Fat Attack & Booster. Order your TenaZ now.
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NODIET© Method
Everybody wants to be slim, but nobody wants to eat less and do more. To lose weight, you really need to eat much less than what you eat now and do much more than what you are doing now.
The TenaZ NODIET© Method. It has 3 Plate Rules: Portion & Time Control and Food Combinations.
We teach you the basics of healthy nutrition and believe in balanced family meals. You are not a carnivore or an herbivore, you are an omnivore and need to eat all the macro nutrients to avoid malnutrition. An uncomplicated way to control your food intake is our Time & Portion Control Rules.
It's all about your liver. With the TenaZ NODIET© Method we strive to speed up your resting metabolism with the food you eat. This is why you eat during the first 12 hours of your day. This supports your liver to metabolize all the makro nutrients & micronutrients. Strive to eat food during the first 12 hours of your day and fast in the second 12 hours.
We have 5 Food Groups at TenaZ.
Veggies: You are allowed to eat nine cups of Free Veggies and Salads per 24-hour day. Any Veggies or Salads that you can eat raw are FREE, this means you can eat as much as you want when you want up to nine cups a day. You can use any cooking method as long as it's healthy e.g. steam, biol, fry or even make a soup.
Thank you TenaZ! My life has changed!
Thank You TenaZ, I maintained my Healthy weight for 12 years! If I can lose 120kg you can lose all your overweight!
Ek het net een nier en het 73kg verloor
"I Was Morbidly Obese" High Blood pressure, Diabetes, feeling tired every day! I never want to be FAT again! I will always LOVE TenaZ!